Learn to read the nutritional composition in food and how to get to know the information really good for the health right below.

If we use natural foods, we do not need too much to worry about the nutritional value on the packaging because the manufacturers often do not attach value to the product.
However, when the food processing industry is increasingly blooming, it is required to request details of the nutritional value of each type of product as higher. But many shoppers are ignoring the important details on each type of item.
A lot of products packed “camouflage” into good food for jewelry by dividing the volume of ingredients. For example only 9g sugar in a grain pack. And every person should only eat about 3/4 packages only. However, few people have a habit of eating under 1 packet.
Expert on diet Jim White at Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios said, “Usually, the weight of each product is not the same as the content we consume daily. Therefore, you need to calculate the accuracy of each type of product consumption. If you eat 3 packages BIM Bim, you need to multiply the print nutritional value on three-fold packaging.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an adult in the US consumes an average of 94g sugar per day. The amount of this line of recommendation is 36g per day per person.
Sugar additives are sugar-free from natural origin. Manufacturers add sugar type to create sweetness for the product.
Experts said you should choose the products that have the lowest sugar. And you should avoid products that have too 10g intake for part of the product.
Most products refer to the intake of sugar on the packaging. But the problem calculates the sugar intake to each person one on again is the problem of solving.
According to Dr. Natalie Allen at Missouri State University, you can calculate the amount of sugar from the total starch printed on a product label and subtract the amount of fiber. The intake of sugar from starch occupies less than half the value.
For example the amount of starch is 20g and fiber is 4g. Then the intake of sugar from starch will be less than 8g.
When you consume any packaged products, you should know exactly which component is inserted into the body. You can pay attention to the weight of each type of material and to pay a note of the highest weight components. Usually the products are less raw materials as possible.
Protein composition
People who exercise sports or people who are looking to increase muscle should pay attention to the protein composition on the product label. Proteins help the body restore muscle tissue after training and enhance muscle tissue development.
Fiber composition
One of the very necessary factors for the body is fiber. People need a lot of fiber in diets as it helps with healthy intestinal system and helps to control weight. Therefore, you should also pay particular attention to the nutrients.
Scientists recommend choosing food with at least 3g substance for part of the product. Although fiber substances are found to be more in grains intact, fruit, vegetables and beans but fiber is still in a number of packaged products such as protein bars and packaged cereals.

Unsaturated fats
Fat is an important nutrient, but you need to pay particular attention to unsaturated fats.
Unsaturated fats as high levels of bad cholesterol increases, lowering good cholesterol, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes 2, according to the American Cardiovascular Association.
There have been some processed foods that have been eliminating unsaturated fats, but some products still present this type of fat.
Saturated fats and good fats synthesde to the body if you consume the right intake. Approximately 20-30% of the calories per day in the body come from fat, equivalent to 55-83g fat for a 2,500 calorie diet.
Some good fats like omega-3 and non-saturated fats can be very essential for the body against cardiovascular disease.
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