

有了引人注目的外观, 独特的包装将使同样 “神圣” 的意愿, 几乎覆盖购买的产品。 (一) 感觉有趣的 “收获” 从可爱的羔羊羊毛。 2。头发和春对被迫形成超时尚的头发图案。 (三) 有什么问题吗?这是一个美味的奶油灯泡, 不能吃。 4. 我的工作是什么?享受美味的一杯茶感谢美丽的蝴蝶。 5。咀嚼三叉戟糖, 你会有一个白色的光泽牙齿功能。 6。这些双页是用扫帚漆做的。 7。耳机变成了 “灵魂之窗” “ 8。你认为这是彩色画?大的小颜色, 这些美丽的颜色是甜巧克力棒。 9个。塑料袋清洗蜂蜜的 “废物”。 10个。糖果盒刚刚很可爱。 11个。球馆 “借房子” 的蛋鸡。 12岁 纸鸟非常可爱。 13岁 一种柔软的甜, 柔软的莫奇蛋糕, 面部表情有趣。 14岁 厨师叔叔 “充满了腹部”, 有足够的面食。 15岁 谷仓的肉没有弄错。 16岁 新鲜出炉的纸杯蛋糕蛋糕刚刚到达烤箱。 17岁 白羊拿着棉签。 18岁 绳子的胡子有点被宠坏了。 19岁 甜巧克力棒藏在旅游刀的外套下面。 20岁。像这样的补充维生素, 婴儿将不再害怕吃药了。 21. 将柔软的棉质毛巾放在巨大的铅笔上。 22岁 宠物的食物是包装…


Creative satisfaction with 24 unique product packaging

With an eye-catching appearance, the unique packaging will make no less “divine” willingness to cover virtually to buy the product. 1. Feel interesting to “harvest” the wool from the cute lamb. 2. The hair and Chun pairs are forced to form ultra-stylish hair patterns. 3. It’s a tasty creamy light bulb that can’t be eaten.…

Thị trường chai nhựa: Vạn nhãn ruột, hai nhãn vỏ

Plastic Bottle Market: Van Enteric, two labels

The domestic enterprise has more than 80% of the production market to produce the PET but can not be inserted into the production of dairy sector. Featured Content: -Local enterprises over 80% of the PET bottle production market. Which mainly falls into the 2 business Ngoc Nghia and Bao van. Ngoc Nghia owns more than…


Impressive packaging patterns make you unable to buy

We often consider using products and shells It’s 2 separate things – one to use and one will throw away. However, the packaging below may cause you to think again. Noté Headset (Designer: Corinne Pant) Beehive Honey Designed by Lacy Kuhn Pastas NYC Designer: Alex Creamer Ford Ranger Match Box Advertising Agency: JWT, Kuala Lumpur,…

13 superchemical Packaging form for the most difficult customers

Sometimes, external packaging models are more impressive than the product inside. The tool teaches that: look face that captures the arrowroot, fat pigs, tasty new hearts. That’s why, many new brands especially focus on developing and impressing with customers because of the package outside each product. And the truth has demonstrated that, sometimes, we decide…